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Strandhill National School, Sligo

Internet Safety Workshop for Parents

15th Nov 2023
There will be an Internet Safety Workshop for Parents on Wednesday 22nd November at 7pm. We will have internet safety and cyberbullying expert Mr. Jeremy Pagden speaking with 3rd - 6th classes during the day and hosting a special parents workshop from 7pm - 8pm in the school hall. With the current intense focus on smart phones in the media and from the Dept of Education, this is extremely topical and we would appeal to all parents, especially those of children from 3rd class upwards to try to attend this talk. This is a great chance for parents to get expert advice on:

  • Legislation and the implications around Cyberbullying for you and your child
  • Apps to avoid and how Apps can be designed for malicious purposes.
  • Gaming and Internet addiction
  • The consequences of publishing, posting, sending and uploading inappropriate content
  • The dangers of sexting & the legal ramifications of using Social Media inappropriately.
  • Technology solutions, tips and advice that can be used to manage our children's online activities.
  • The value of 'old fashioned' parenting techniques.
  • What is AI and what are the positives and negatives of it for us and our children .