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Strandhill National School, Sligo

News - 5th Class, Mrs Collins

2023/2024 School Year

8th Dec 2023
Bhí Rang a Cúig ag labhairt faoi a gcaitheamh aimsire.Éist le...
6th Dec 2023
Our talented 5th Class have been designing posters digitally to advertise and capture...
29th Sep 2023
Congratulations and well done to our athletes who represented Scoil Asicus Naofa...
21st Sep 2023
Today we had our first school assembly. It was lovely to all go to the Halla together....
14th Sep 2023
Last Friday, Mr Fogarty took 4th, 5th and 6th classes outside to do some orienteering....
6th Sep 2023
This week we were very lucky to have a Heritage-in-Schools expert visit us. Michéal...