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Strandhill National School, Sligo


2023/2024 School Year

1st Feb 2024
We have been learning all about the Polar regions this month. We have been busy making...
30th Jan 2024
Thank you to Mrs Howley who organised an indoor camogie tournament over the past...
30th Jan 2024
Our school's self-evaluation focus for 2018 - 2023 was the Oral Language element...
26th Jan 2024
We had a ‘jelly’ good time today in maths.  All week, we were learning...
25th Jan 2024
What excitement playing in the snow with all of our friends! We had the best few...
24th Jan 2024
As part of our doctor theme this month and learning about how to stay fit and healthy,...
23rd Jan 2024
Click below to read our school's Annual Admission Notice in advance of Scoil Asicus...
19th Jan 2024
We brought our maths lesson outside in the snow☃️