
As son an Bord Bainistíochta agus foireann Scoil Asicus, Leathross, Co. Shligigh, ba mhaith liom fáilte a chur romhat go dtí ár suíomh idirlíon.
Scoil Asicus Naofa is a primary school under the patronage of the Bishop of Elphin, Kevin Doran. with a Catholic ethos and mission to promote the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the pupil, including his / her relationship with God, with other people and with the environment.
We provide primary education to girls and boys from Junior Infants to 6th class. Our catchment area is the village of Strandhill and its environs. The school has been on the current site since 1981 when land was donated to the community by Ms Victoria Jenet. Thanks to her generosity and the work of successive Boards, our school enjoys an idyllic location between Knocknarae Mountain and the Atlantic Ocean, overlooking Strandhill golf course. The three acre site affords children the chance to run and play freely at breaktime and during outdoor lessons.
Our school building is modern, comfortable and immaculately maintained. The staff members are a high-achieving and dedicated team who are determined to offer the very best education to the children here. They are warm and encouraging towards the children and nurture their many abilities and talents. Over the course of their school career in Scoil Asicus, children are offered the opportunity to develop to their potential in languages, maths and science, the arts with particular emphasis on music and in interpersonal skills. Our school is supported by an active Parents' Association who liaise with the staff on parental priority issues and targeted fundraising initiatives.
Please contact our secretary Siobhán on 071 9168154 or office@strandhillnationalschool.ie for further information about our school.
Le gach dea-ghuí,

Strandhill National School, Golf Links Road, Sligo | Phone: 071 916 8154